Quirinal is a team of nearly forty years of professional experience in both wealth management, art expertise and art history research.


We also have a network of independent art specialists, carefully selected to be our agents in the different art markets such as London, Amsterdam, New-York, Hong Kong, etc.




Aymeric Richard

Email: ar@quirinal.fr


• Studied at AUREP (University of Clermont-Ferrand - Auvergne), Master degree in Wealth Management

• Started his career in the Marketing Department of the Wealth Management Branch at AXA

• Senior Porfolio Manager and Private Banker at AXA, during more than 15 years

• Art & Architecture lover

• Old Master Drawing collector


Pierre-Antoine Martenet

Email : pam@quirinal.fr


• Studied Art Market and Art History at IESA (Art Market Business School - Paris) and EPHE (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - Sorbonne - Paris)

• Started his career in 2006, in the Fine Art auction field (Drouot, Sotheby's) specialized in Old Masters

• Collaborated with a prominent parisian gallery, dedicated to Old Masters, starting in 2013

• Advised a prominent invesment fund dedicated to Art in 2015, before founding Quirinal



Our network helps us find and evaluate the best opportunities for our clients, in Europe but also in the World's main marketplaces. 


We already are represented in Brussels, Amsterdam, Geneva, London and Hong-Kong.